Intubation Considerations for Singers
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"[Intubation] occurs under deep sedation or general anesthesia to maintain/support the airway and to provide a means for oxygenation (oxygen delivery) and mechanical ventilation.â Focusing on short term intubation, less than twenty-four hours in duration, the authors give a wealth of advice for vocal performers, including what questions to ask before the surgery; what to expect in the operating room; and expectations for the postoperative period.
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Abrasion of the larynx, Anesthesia, Anesthesiologist, Anesthetist, Arytenoid dislocation, Extubation, Granuloma, Hematoma, Intubation, Intubation trauma, Laryngeal injury, Laryngeal Mask Airway, Laryngeal trauma, LMA, Microlaryngoscopy, Reflux, Rehabilitation, Sedation, SGA, SupraGlottic Airway, Surgery, Tracheal tube size, Ulcer, Vocal fold paralysis